OSMC library space management (subtype 37)

Table 1 describes the format of the subtype data section for a subtype 37 OAM SMF record for OSMC library space management.

Table 1. Format of the subtype data section for subtype 37
Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 ST37LIBN 8 EBCDIC Library name.
8 8 ST37LIBD 8 EBCDIC Library device type.
16 10 ST37NOCE 4 binary Number of optical disk cartridges ejected.
20 14 ST37FLGS 4 binary Processing flags.
When on, library space management is invoked automatically under software control due to a storage group out-of-space condition in the specified library.
When on, library space management is invoked by a F OAM,START,LIBMGT command issued from an MVS console.