OAM retention protection

New objects stored into an object storage group with this parameter enabled are flagged as retention-protected for the entire life of the objects. A retention-protected object cannot be deleted prior to its expiration date and its expiration date can never move to an earlier date. Enabling retention-protection could result in objects that will never expire and therefore cannot be deleted.
Note: If both deletion-protection and retention-protection are enabled then retention-protection takes precedence.

To enable retention-protection for a given object storage group, use ISMF to set the OAM Retention Protection attribute to Enabled in the SMS object storage group definition, and then activate the SCDS. Any objects stored into an object storage group after the OAM Retention Protection attribute has been enabled will be stored as retention-protected objects. Retention-protected objects can be identified as such by the ODSTATF_RETPROT flag in the object directory.

For more information on OAM Retention Protection see Protecting against inadvertent object deletion.