OAM deletion protection

The OAM Deletion Protection attribute in the SMS object storage group definition works in combination with the DP=P keyword in IEFSSNxx PARMLIB member to determine the current deletion-protection mode (enabled or disabled) for all objects in this object storage group. The OAM Deletion Protection attribute is ignored when DP=A or DP=N. When deletion-protection is enabled, objects in this object storage group cannot be deleted prior to their expiration date. Deletion-protection does not restrict any changes to an object's expiration date.
Note: If both deletion-protection and retention-protection are enabled then retention-protection takes precedence.

To enable deletion-protection for a given object storage group, use ISMF to set the OAM Deletion Protection attribute to Enabled in the SMS object storage group definition, and then activate the SCDS. For more information on OAM Deletion Protection see Protecting against inadvertent object deletion.