Collection name identifier table

Each object stored in the OAM storage hierarchy is a member of a collection. The name of the collection to which an object belongs is recorded in the object’s directory entry as a collection name identifier. The collection name identifier table maps the identifier to the collection name (see Table 1). In addition, the collection name identifier table contains information about the storage class and management class for the collection and the name of the storage group that contains all members of the collection (see Table 2).

Table 1. Collection name identifier table
Column description Column name DB2 field type and data size Max byte Index structure
Storage Class Name ODCLSCNM VARCHAR (30) (32)  
Management Class Name ODCLMCNM VARCHAR (30) (32)  
Directory Token (*) ODCLSGNM VARCHAR (30) (32) ASC
Collection Name Identifier (*) ODCLID INTEGER (4) (4) Unique ASC Cluster
Collection Name (*) ODCLNAME VARCHAR (44) (46) Unique ASC
Total Bytes per Table Entry 138 146    
Table 2. Collection name identifier table contents
Column description Contents
Storage Class Name Default initial storage class for all objects in this collection (can be overridden by explicit storage class on OSREQ STORE)
Management Class Name Default initial management class for all objects in this collection (can be overridden by explicit management class on OSREQ STORE)
Directory Token Storage group name
Collection Name Identifier Numeric index identifying the collection that includes this object (used to improve DASD space usage in object tables)
Collection Name Standard MVS data set name