5h  Updating the PROCLIB

You must perform this step both for migration and at initial installation.

Sample jobs are provided in SAMPLIB to assist you in making the needed additions to PROCLIB. Before running each SAMPLIB member:

 5h1 Modify, if necessary, then run CBRIPROC SAMPLIB job.

You must perform this step for migration and at initial installation.

Change and run SAMPLIB member CBRIPROC (see CBRIPROC) to create member OTIS in PROCLIB.

If the DB2 load module library containing DSNALI is not in the LNKLST concatenation, either include the DB2 load module library in the SYS1.LINKLIB concatenation (LNKLSTxx) or add a STEPLIB DD to this procedure.

If a STEPLIB is used, then that concatenation must be APF-authorized.

 5h2 Modify, if necessary, then run CBRAPROC SAMPLIB job.

This step is performed at initial installation and for migration. Perform this step only if you need to start the OAM address space. The OAM address space is needed for writing objects to tape or optical storage, using a file system, or if you are running OSMC for expiration processing. Do not perform this step if you are using only DB2 sublevel storage (no file system, optical volumes, or tape devices) and you are not running OSMC.

If the installation will use OAM objects, modify and run SAMPLIB member CBRAPROC (see CBRAPROC) to create member OAM in PROCLIB.

If you do not modify CBRAPROC, the following member is created as the default:

If you are storing objects on tape volumes or an OAMplex, you must update this job step to include ‘OAM=&OAM’, and you must supply the default OAM=xx (where xx is the low order suffix of your CBROAMxx PARMLIB member) specification on the PROC statement as the following example indicates:

With the PARM=keyword, you can specify values for the following parameters:
Specifies the name of the DB2 application plan for LCS. CBROAM is the name of the DB2 application plan specified when an SQL BIND command was issued for the LCS OAM configuration database request modules (DBRMs).
Specifies which volumes are ejected from an optical library when the library is full and there is a request to add additional volumes to the library. The valid parameter values on this keyword are as follows:
  • LRW—least recently written date for the volume. The volumes are ejected based on how long it has been since an object has been written on the volumes, regardless of how often objects are being read from the volume. The volumes which have the oldest least recently written date are ejected to make room for the additional volumes requested. This is the default parameter.
  • LRM—least recently mounted date for the volume. The volumes which are in the slot for the longest time without being mounted are ejected to make room for the additional volumes requested.
The MAXS parameter in the OAM cataloged procedure specifies the maximum number of Object or Object Backup storage group tasks that can be processed concurrently during an OSMC storage management cycle. If storage management cycles for groups overlap, you can use the MAXS parameter to limit resource consumption. When determining the value for MAXS, take into consideration the number of optical and tape drives that are available for storage management processing to avoid drive contention. If MAXS is not specified, a default of 2 is assigned. See OAM cataloged procedure parameter (MAXS) for more information about the MAXS parameter.

Requirement: If concurrent processing includes Object storage groups writing to tape volumes, you must specify the correct corresponding (global level) MAXTAPERETRIEVETASKS and MAXTAPESTORETASKS values on the SETOAM statement. For more information concerning these keywords, see SETOAM keyword definitions for global level.

OAM=xx specifies the suffix of the CBROAMxx PARMLIB member that OAM should process during OAM address space initialization. The two alphanumeric characters (xx) must immediately follow the OAM=keyword in the PARM field. If the two characters immediately following the OAM=keyword are invalid or not specified, error message CBR0025I is issued. OAM only reads PARMLIB member CBROAMxx if the OAM=keyword is specified on the PARM field of the JCL EXEC statement in the OAM cataloged procedure. If no OAM=keyword is specified on the PARM field of the JCL EXEC statement, no PARMLIB member is read by OAM and object tape storage is not active. If the object tape storage is not active, OAM cannot read any objects back or write any new objects to tape until OAM is initialized with a valid OAM=xx specification, and a valid corresponding CBROAMxx PARMLIB member. OAM processes PARMLIB member CBROAMxx during OAM address space initialization.
Specifies whether to initialize OSMC when OAM initializes. When YES, OSMC initializes when OAM initializes; when NO, OSMC is prevented from initializing when OAM initializes. (Operator commands requiring OSMC do not execute; the storage management cycle does not run.)
Specifies whether OAM should automatically restart when it receives notification that a new SCDS is activated. The valid parameter values on this keyword are as follows:
  • Yes—If REST=YES is specified, when OAM is notified that an SCDS activation has occurred, OAM automatically restarts. This is the default value. How soon OAM is notified of the SCDS activation depends on the time interval that is specified with the INTERVAL keyword in the IGDSMSxx PARMLIB member.
  • No—If REST=NO is specified, when OAM is notified that an SCDS activation has occurred, OAM continues processing normally. Message CBR0092I is issued to acknowledge that a new SCDS has been activated. The installation should ensure that the OAM RESTART command is issued if an OAM address space restart is necessary. See Restarting the OAM address space for details concerning this command.
Unloads the least recently used 3995 optical disk drive, inside an IBM 3995 optical library, after the number of seconds of inactivity specified on the keyword. This unload only occurs if no available optical drives are within this library. That is, there are no empty online and operational drives. Thus, during periods of inactivity, you can cause at least one drive to be ready to accept the next mount request without first having to do a demount.

The valid parameter values on this keyword are as follows:

  • 0 to 9998 specifies the number of seconds of inactivity before the demount might occur.
  • 9999 specifies that the cartridge is not to be demounted during periods of inactivity. This is the default.

Restriction: The UNLOAD keyword applies only to 3995 optical disk drives that are library-resident.

To process objects greater than 256MB on the file system sublevel or on tape, the OAM address space uses 64–bit addressing and virtual storage above the 2G bar. Additional configuration may be required to specify a MEMLIMIT value that will provide virtual storage above the 2G bar to the OAM address space. Typically, specifying REGION=0M in CBRAPROC as shown in the sample above, implies a MEMLIMIT value that provides the OAM address space with the needed virtual storage above the 2G bar. For more information, see MEMLIMIT for OAM.

 5h3 Verify or create device numbers.

You must perform this step both for migration and at initial installation. Do not perform this step if you are not using or do not plan to use optical devices.

Define 3995 device numbers, as well as CTC device numbers, using the hardware configuration definition (HCD).

Related reading: For more information, see Defining 3995 device numbers and z/OS HCD User's Guide.