Establishing collections and constructs

The planning team established two collections, one for each type of object. They developed storage classes (SC) to reflect the three service levels indicated by the business analysis. They created management classes (MC) to correspond to the transition points in the objects’ life cycles (that is, when they expire or when their performance objectives change). Then they determined which storage and management classes would be the default initial class assignments for each collection. Finally, specifications were drafted for the ACS routines that control an object’s storage group, storage class, and management class assignments.

Also, during the resource estimation phase, the planning team concluded that the 10␠000 detailed objects that are being stored daily through the workweek must be backed up for disaster recovery purposes. The data contained within the detailed objects is critical business data that must be recovered in the event of a disaster.
SC Name
SC for objects with high-performance requirements (less than 1-second response time preferred). This storage class was designed to be the default initial storage class assignment for both summary and detail objects.
SC for objects with medium-performance requirements (less than 20-second response time preferred). This storage class was designed primarily for detail objects for which high performance is no longer necessary.
SC for objects with low-performance requirements (more than 20-second response time acceptable). This storage class was designed primarily for detail objects that are rarely retrieved.
MC Name
Thirty calendar days from the date of creation, objects with this management class should be processed by the storage management cycle. The expiration attributes in the definition for this management class indicate that objects in this class can be deleted after 30 calendar days. EXP30 was developed primarily for summary objects and is their default initial management class assignment.
Seven calendar days from the date of creation, objects with this management class should be processed by the storage management cycle. This class was developed primarily for detail objects. After seven calendar days, the performance objective for detail objects changes from fast to medium, and a new storage class assignment is needed. TRAN7 is the default initial management class assignment for detail objects.
On the 180th calendar day from the date of creation, objects with this management class should be processed by the storage management cycle. This class was developed primarily for detail objects. After 180 calendar days, the performance objective for detail objects changes from medium to low and a new storage class assignment is needed. TRAN180 should be assigned to detail objects that have a storage class assignment of MEDPERF.
Five years (1825 calendar days) from the date of creation, objects with this management class should be processed by the storage management cycle. The expiration attributes in the definition for this management class indicate that objects in this class can be deleted after five years. EXP1825 was developed for detail objects and should be assigned to all detail objects that have a storage class assignment of LOWPERF.

Tip: Management class definitions include parameters other than those shown in this case study (for example, backup requirements and retention period for an object since last use). Review all of the parameters before you attempt to classify the objects in your applications.