Moving objects from a source volume

To move objects from a source volume:

  1. Issue the following MOVEVOL command:

    where volser is the volume serial of the source volume from which objects are to be moved.


  2. The system issues the following messages:
    CBR1000I OAM START command execution scheduled.
    CBR9850I Move Volume Utility starting for volume volser.
    CBR9858I Move Volume Utility status for volume volser. Total: total,
             Attempted: attempted, Successful: successful,
             Unsuccessful: unsuccessful.
    CBR9859I Move Volume utility ending for volumes volser1 and volser2.


  3. If any errors occur or contention exists due to concurrent processing, you must take appropriate actions to correct the errors or minimize contention. You can then re-invoke the Move Volume utility to continue moving objects from the source volume. See Statistics provided by the Move Volume utility for examples of various conditions that can exist and the resulting statistics that the utility provides.


When the MOVEVOL command completes, all of the objects are moved to the target volumes and deleted from the source volume.

Attention: If you specified the Move Volume utility with the RECYCLE or DELETE option, the volume is automatically dispositioned (recycled or deleted). However, if you did not specify the RECYCLE or DELETE option, you must update the volume expiration date to ensure that OAM selects the volume for expiration processing. Use the F OAM,UPDATE,VOLUME command to update the EXPDATE field in the DB2 Volume or Tape Volume tables. For more information about this command, see Updating fields in the DB2 Volume Table and the Tape Volume Table.
Recommendations for using the Move Volume utility:
  1. For a given optical disk (consisting of two volumes), only one Move Volume utility (which moves data from one of the two volumes on the disk) or one Volume Recovery utility (which recovers data on both volumes on the disk) can be started for a disk, but not both.
  2. For a give tape volume, only one Move Volume utility or one Volume Recovery utility can be started for the volume, but not both.
  3. You cannot start the Move Volume utility concurrently for both volumes on an optical disk.
  4. You cannot start the Move Volume utility for a volume that is on either side of an optical disk that is being recovered by the Volume Recovery utility.
  5. You can start one or more Move Volume utilities only after determining that sufficient resources are available to the utility. Consider the resources required by other OSMC functions, such as the OSMC storage management cycle, which might run concurrently with the Move Volume utility.
  6. To avoid contention, it is recommended that you do not start the Move Volume utility for multiple volumes that can cause concurrent references to objects in the same Object storage group. References to objects in the same Object storage group concurrently can occur when there are two primary source volumes in the same Object storage group, two backup source volumes where the primary volumes containing the objects are in the same Object storage group, or any combination of the above. Figure 1 illustrates these relationships.
  7. If the member name associated with the optical or tape volser specified on the MOVEVOL command is not the member name for this instance of OAM or not blank, the command fails and the message CBR1068I is issued.