Moving objects and deleting the source volume

To delete both sides of an optical platter or tape volume from the OAM inventory after moving the objects off of it:

  1. Issue the following MOVEVOL command:

    where volser is the volume serial of the source volume from which objects are to be moved.


  2. The system issues several messages, some of which are listed here:
    CBR1000I OAM START command execution scheduled.
    CBR9850I Move Volume Delete starting for volume volser.
    CBR9858I Move Volume Utility status for volume volser. Total: total,
             Attempted: attempted, Successful: successful,
             Unsuccessful: unsuccessful.
     CBR9852I Move Volume Utility processing objects in
    storage group sgroup for volume volser.
    CBR9859I Move Volume utility ending for volumes volser1 and volser2.


  3. If you have specified the DELETE option on the MOVEVOL command for a rewritable tape volume, the system issues the following message to the hardcopy log. This message displays only if all of the objects have been moved from the source cartridge:
    CBR2165I Tape volume volser has had all objects expired or deleted and 
    can be returned to the MVS scratch pool.

    If you have specified the DELETE option on the MOVEVOL command for a WORM tape volume, the system issues the following message to the hardcopy log. This message displays only if all the objects have been moved from the source cartridge:

    CBR2173I WORM Tape volume volser has had all objects expired or deleted.
    If you have specified the DELETE option on the MOVEVOL command for an optical platter, the system issues the following message to the hardcopy log. This message displays only if all of the objects have been moved from the source cartridge:
    CBR2153I All objects on volumes volser1 and volser2 have expired,
    shelf location shelfloc. 


  4. Follow the system prompts to remove the optical cartridge from the I/O station.


After the MOVEVOL command completes successfully, OAM deletes the tape or optical cartridge from the OAM inventory. Library-resident optical volumes are ejected from the library. After a volume has been deleted, it is no longer available to any of the OAM members in the OAMplex.

The following is a sample of the F OAM,START,MOVEVOL,volser,DELETE command:

CBR1000I OAM START command execution scheduled.
CBR9800I OAM Move Volume Delete starting for volumes R8002A and R8002B.
CBR9850I Move Volume Utility starting for volume R8002A.
CBR9858I Move Volume Utility status for volume R8002A.
Total: 0, Attempted: 0, Successful: 0, Unsuccessful: 0.
CBR9850I Move Volume Utility starting for volume R8002B.
CBR9852I Move Volume Utility processing objects in
storage group GROUP92 for volume R8002B.
CBR2213I No space left in storage group GROUP92.

CBR2217E Enter an optical disk cartridge that is compatible with
DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE 3995 and write compatible with optical drive device
type 3995-SW4 into library P8XB to relieve the out of space condition
in storage group GROUP92.

CBR2550I Optical disk entry into library P8XA scheduled.
CBR4420I Volume table did not contain information for volume R8000B on drive P8XAD1.
CBR4420I Volume table did not contain information for volume R8000A on drive P8XAD1.
*22 CBR4432D Enter storage group name for volumes R8000B and R8000A,
or reply 'U' to assign to scratch.
CBR4401I Volume R8000B mounted on drive P8XAD1.
CBR2100I Volumes R8000B and R8000A entered into library P8XA.
CBR2200I Scratch volumes R8000B and R8000A added to
storage group GROUP92.
CBR9859I Move Volume Utility ending for volumes R8002A and R8002B.
CBR3001A Remove cartridge from I/O station on library P8XA. Place in shelf location ??????.
CBR3122I Volumes R8002B and R8002A were ejected from library P8XA,
shelf location is ??????.

If any errors occur while deleting a volume after MOVEVOL completes, OAM might issue additional messages to identify the errors.

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