Grouping tape devices

You can group together tape devices and define them as one group to the system. For instance, a group of 3490 tape drives in the same room can be grouped together and defined as 3490GRP. These tape device groups are known as esoterics. Once an esoteric is specified on the SETOAM statement for a group, you need to ensure the existence of that esoteric while an OAM tape exists that specifies that esoteric in the TAPEUNITNAME field of the OAM tape volume (TAPEVOL) table.
Attention: Do not change the contents of that esoteric to introduce incompatible tape device types. Should the esoteric name be deleted or changed, the volumes associated with the esoteric name cannot be allocated. Because the TAPEUNITNAME cannot be resolved, the tape that is required for the request is not mounted and the allocation request fails.

For scratch allocations for an ATLDS or MTL, the esoteric TAPEUNITNAME associated with a storage group is overridden with the exact device type for the device that is allocated for the MVS scratch tape mount.