Deleting a recovered tape or optical volume

The DELETE option on the RECOVERY command removes the specified tape volume or optical platter from the OAM inventory after it has been recovered successfully.

  1. Enter the following RECOVERY command:

    where volser is the volume serial number of the tape or optical volume that is to be recovered.


  2. The system issues the following messages:
    CBR1000I OAM START command execution scheduled.
    CBR9800I OAM Volume Recovery Delete starting for volumes volser1 and volser2.
    CBR9824I OAM Volume Recovery.
    The following OPTICAL volumes are needed for recovery:
    volser1 volser2 volser3 volser4 volser5
    volser6 volser7 volser8 volser9.
    CBR9810D Reply 'QUIT' to terminate or 'GO' to
    proceed with recovery.


  3. If the volumes are available and readable, reply GO to CBR9810D. Otherwise, reply QUIT to CBR9810D.


  4. If you have specified the DELETE option on the Volume Recovery command for an optical volume, the hardcopy log displays the following additional message:
    CBR2153I All objects on volumes volser1 and volser2 have expired,
    shelf location shelfloc. 
    If you have specified the DELETE option on the Volume Recovery command for an object tape volume, the hardcopy log displays the following additional message:
    CBR2165I Tape volume volser has had all objects expired or deleted and 
    can be returned to the MVS scratch pool.

    You can use message CBR2165I to notify the tape management system that the volume can be returned to MVS scratch status.


After you delete a recovered volume, it is no longer available to any of the OAM members in the OAMplex. OAM removes the information about the tape or optical volume from the OAM inventory. The rows that are associated with these volumes are deleted from the TAPEVOL or VOLUME table in DB2. Library-resident optical volumes are ejected from the library.

The following is a sample of the F OAM,START,RECOVERY,volser,DELETE command:

   CBR1000I OAM S command execution scheduled.
   CBR9800I OAM Volume Recovery Delete starting for volumes CMW226 and N/ACBR9827I OAM Volume Recovery.
            The following TAPE volumes are needed for recovery:
            0010 CBR9810D Reply 'QUIT' to terminate or 'GO' to proceed with recovery.
            R 10,GO
   IEE600I  REPLY TO 0010 IS;GO
   CBR9852I Volume Recovery Utility processing objects in storage group
            GROUP04 for volume CMW226.
   CBR9863I Volume Recovery status for volumes CMW226 and N/A.
            Total: 5, Attempted: 5, Successful: 5, Unsuccessful: 0, Remaining: 0.
   CBR9819I OAM Volume Recovery is ending for volumes CMW226 and N/A.
   CBR2165I Tape volume CMW226 has had all objects expired or deleted and can be returned to the MVS scratch pool.

For more information about these system messages, see z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 4 (CBD-DMO).