Documentation for your IBM representative

If you have not identified the reason for objects not moving to different levels of the hierarchy during OSMC, you might wish to contact the IBM support center. You should have the following documentation available:

  1. Output from the select statements above.
  2. The contents of the following tables:
  3. The contents of an object directory table entry for one of the objects expected to make a class transition.
  4. The collection associated with the object directory table entry printed in step 3. The following command provides this information to you:
    LISTCAT ENTRIES(‘collection_name’) ALL
  5. A screen print of the storage group, storage class and management class definitions using "ACTIVE" as the SCDS name.
  6. Management class and storage class ACS routines.
  7. The syslog from the time OSMC message CBR9200I is issued to indicate the start of processing for the Object storage group until message CBR9201I is issued indicating processing has completed.