Defining storage groups and relating the libraries to the storage groups

 16c Define Object and Object Backup storage groups.

You must perform this step at initial installation. During migration, you might perform this step if you are adding or changing storage groups, or adding libraries to your configuration.

Use the Storage Group Application Selection panel to specify one of the following storage group types:
Contains primary objects.
Contains backup copies of objects.
Use the Object Storage Group Define panel to specify the following:
Provide a free-form description of this storage group (up to 120 characters).
For Object storage groups, specify the name of the DB2 object storage database to be used for the object directory and the DASD high level qualifier of the storage group. This qualifier must also be defined as a package in the CBRPBIND job to create the package. This package must also be in the CBRHBIND and CBRABIND or CBRIBIND jobs to bind the package to the OSMC, OAM, and OSR plans.
For Object and Object Backup storage groups, specify the beginning of a window of time when OSMC can begin daily processing for this storage group. You must specify a value of from 0 to 23, or NONE for all Object storage group definitions. A value of from 0 to 23 represents an hour of the day. Specify an hour of the day as 00 for midnight, 01 for 1 A.M., 23 for 11 P.M., and so on. The hour of the day value for CYCLE START TIME must be different from the hour of the day value for CYCLE END TIME. A value of NONE indicates that no automatic processing for the storage group be performed. When NONE is specified, the CYCLE END TIME value must be blank. See CYCLE START TIME and CYCLE END TIME for more information about this parameter.
For Object and Object Backup storage groups, specify the end of a window of time when OSMC can either begin or end daily processing for this storage group, depending on the mode defined in the CYCLEWINDOW keyword in the SETOSMC statement in the CBROAMxx PARMLIB member. You must specify a value from 0 to 23, or blank (depending on your specification for CYCLE START TIME) for all Object storage group definitions. A value of from 0 to 23 represents an hour of the day and is required when a value from 0 to 23 was specified for CYCLE START TIME. Specify an hour of the day as 00 for midnight, 01 for 1 A.M., 23 for 11 P.M., and so on. The hour of the day value for CYCLE END TIME must be different from the hour of the day value for CYCLE START TIME. A value of blank is required when NONE has been specified for CYCLE START TIME. See CYCLE START TIME and CYCLE END TIME for more information about this parameter.
Specify the names of the optical disk libraries in your configuration (either one to eight pseudo or real optical libraries) that can contain volumes belonging to this Object or Object Backup storage group to which objects are written.
For Object or Object Backup storage groups, specify the number of free kilobytes to be used as a threshold for optical volumes that belong to this storage group. When the number of free kilobytes falls below this threshold, the volume is marked full and no more objects are placed on the volume. See VOLUME FULL THRESHOLD for more information about this parameter.

If the optical volume table of contents is full, the volume is marked full regardless of what is specified in this parameter.

For Object or Object Backup storage groups, specify the point at which OAM starts using an additional optical disk drive for writing. When the number of requests to write objects to this Object or Object Backup storage group divided by the number of optical drives processing write requests for this storage group exceeds this threshold, OAM starts using an additional optical disk drive for writing. The default value for DRIVE STARTUP THRESHOLD is 17.

See DRIVE STARTUP THRESHOLD for more information about this parameter, including a table of recommended values, based on average object size.

For Object and Object Backup storage groups, specify on which system OSMC processing is to run when this storage group is automatically started during the OSMC cycle window specified in the storage group definition. Specifying an OSMC processing system name avoids contention by preventing the storage group from being started automatically on multiple systems concurrently within an OAMplex.
For Object or Object Backup storage groups, specify whether the volume should be marked full at first write-failure.

If you specify Y (YES), OAM marks full an optical or tape volume in this Object or Object Backup storage group the first time an object cannot be written on this volume because there is not enough space remaining on the volume.

If you specify N (NO), OAM marks an optical volume in this Object or Object Backup storage group full only when the number of available kilobytes in the user data area falls below the VOLUME FULL THRESHOLD.

If the optical volume table of contents is full, the volume is marked full regardless of what is specified in this parameter.

If you specify N (NO), OAM marks full a tape volume in this Object or Object Backup storage group only when the number of available kilobytes falls below the TAPEFULLTHRESHOLD that is specified on the SETOAM statement in CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB.

See MARK VOLUME FULL AT FIRST WRITE-FAILURE OPTION for more information about this parameter.

This parameter in concert with the DP=P keyword in IEFSSNxx PARMLIB member, determines the current deletion-protection mode (enabled or disabled) for all objects in this object storage group. This value is ignored when DP=A or DP=N. When deletion-protection is enabled, objects in this object storage group cannot be deleted prior to their expiration date. Deletion-protection does not restrict any changes to an object's expiration date.
Note: If both deletion-protection and retention-protection are enabled then retention-protection takes precedence.
Disable. This is the default.
New objects stored into an object storage group with this parameter enabled are flagged as retention-protected for the entire life of the objects. A retention-protected object cannot be deleted prior to its expiration date, and its expiration date can never move to an earlier date. Enabling retention-protect could result in objects that will never expire and therefore cannot be deleted.
Note: If both deletion-protection and retention-protection are enabled then retention-protection takes precedence.
Disable. This is the default.
For Object or Object Backup storage groups, specify Y (YES) for this parameter. This specification displays another panel where you can specify one of the following values on the SMS Storage Group Status panel for the system running OAM if it is not in an OAMplex, or for the systems in an OAMplex:
Applications can store and retrieve objects in the group; OSMC can process the group.
Applications can retrieve objects from the group, but cannot store objects into the group; OSMC can process the group.
Applications can neither store nor retrieve objects in the group; OSMC can process the group.
Neither applications nor OSMC can process objects in the group.
Attention: In an OAMplex environment, it is normal to have an object or object backup storage group defined as enabled to multiple systems. In fact, they are normally enabled to all the systems in the OAMplex. This is because the OAM members in the OAMplex share the same OAM tables in DB2 and it is desirable for all members of the OAMplex to have equal access to the same data.

However, in a non-OAMplex environment, instances of OAM on individual LPARs are independent of each other. They do NOT share common DB2 tables and therefore the object data accessible to OAM on one LPAR is not accessible to OAM on another LPAR. Therefore, the default behavior is to not allow a given object or object backup storage group to be defined as enabled to more than one system when OAM is initialized in a stand-alone (non-OAMplex) mode.

In a non-OAMplex environment, the SMS Storage Group Status panel is used to allow status to be specified for each system defined to SMS. By default, you must specify an option other than NOTCON for the one system that will be running OAM and you must specify the NOTCON option for all other systems. If you specify more than one system as other than NOTCON for an object or object backup storagegroup, a CBR0162I message is issued during OAM initialization and the storage group is ignored by OAM.

Some installations desire to have the same storage group name enabled on multiple systems even though not running in an OAMplex. These installations, may have a given storage group name (GROUP22 for example) which contains ABC-payroll object data in the DB2 tables accessible to OAM running on LPAR #1, and contains XYZ-insurance policy object data in the DB2 tables accessible to OAM running on LPAR #2.

The SETOPT MULTISYSENABLE keyword available in the CBROAMxx PARMLIB member provides the customer the option to define a given object or object backup storage group as enabled to more than one system in a non-OAMplex environment. In a non-OAMplex environment, when MULTISYSENABLE(YES) is specified, then OAM will issue a CBR0165I informational message during OAM initialization if one or more object or object storage groups are defined as enabled to multiple systems in the active SMS configuration.

Refer to SETOPT keyword definitions for more information on the MULTISYSENABLE keyword.

Also, storage group enablement status should not be confused with library connectivity. Changing the connectivity of a library does not automatically change the enablement status of any associated storage group. Storage group definitions might need to be updated to provide the correct storage group enablement status should the library connectivity be changed.