Cartridges per day

The number of objects created per day should include only those objects stored on optical, tape, or both media types. If several objects of different sizes are to be written to optical, tape, or both media types, calculate the number of megabytes written per day for each object size and sum the results to get the total number of megabytes written per day. See Table 1 for more information on this calculation.

Attention: You need to determine what value should be assigned to the time periods within your calculations. For example, the term day could be a calendar day or a workday depending on the requirements of your business. A week can be either a seven-day calendar week or a five-day work week (or in some environments, this time frame can even be less). A year might include all the days of the year (including weekends and holidays) or it might only include the regular workdays for your installation. Include these factors in your calculations. Remember that OSMC does not recognize the difference between workdays, weekends, or holidays. Take this factor into account in your calculations for resource planning.

Each cartridge can contain objects from only one Object storage group. Therefore, on the first day that optical, tape, or both types of storage are used, you will need at least one cartridge for each Object storage group. If you plan to create backup copies of objects, remember to calculate the number of cartridges needed for each Object Backup storage group (use the cartridges per day formula in Table 1). On the first day that your installation creates backup copies, you will need at least one cartridge of the appropriate media type for each Object Backup storage group.