Using the DEFINE DUMPCLASS or BACKVOL DUMP command to define the minimum and maximum number of dump copies to stack on a tape volume

Use the new MINSTACK parameter on the DEFINE DUMPCLASS and BACKVOL DUMP commands to specify the preferred minimum number of dump copies that the system should place on a tape volume. The existing STACK parameter, which is now also aliased as MAXSTACK, can still be used to specify the preferred maximum number. In comparison to STACK or MAXSTACK, MINSTACK may allow more volumes to be dumped concurrently and thus complete sooner at the expense of using more tapes.

Note that the output from the LIST DUMPCLASS command has been changed accordingly. A new MINSTACK column is now included, and the existing STACK column has been moved.

For more information, see the DEFINE DUMPCLASS and BACKVOL DUMP command descriptions in z/OS DFSMShsm Storage Administration.