Use the SHCDS command to list SMSVSAM recovery associated with subsystems spheres and to control that recovery. This command works both in batch and in the TSO/E foreground. The functions include the following subcommands:
  • List subcommands
  • Subcommands that enable you to take action on work that was shunted
  • Subcommands to control a manual forward recovery in the absence of a forward recovery utility that supports SMSVSAM protocols
  • Subcommands that enable you to run critical non-RLS batch window work when it is not possible to first close out all outstanding SMSVSAM recovery
  • A subcommand that allows for a subsystem cold start

    Recommendation: After a cold start, if recovery was not completed for any data sets, they are most likely left in a damaged state and must be recovered manually. If the data sets are forward recoverable, their forward recovery logs might also be damaged. Manually recover the data sets (without using forward recovery), take backups of them and of any other data sets that use the forward recovery log, and then delete and redefine the forward recovery log.

Use this command cautiously. See z/OS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration for details about administering VSAM RLS. See Interpreting SHCDS Output Listings for SHCDS output listings.

The syntax of the access method services SHCDS command is:

Command Parameters
SHCDS [LISTDS(base-cluster){JOBS}]|
  CFQUIRSDS({base_cluster_name |partially_qualified_cluster_name})
The value of base-cluster is a fully or partially qualified VSAM data set name. The high-level qualifier must be specified. You can use an asterisk (*) for a subsequent qualifier, but then no lower-level qualifiers are allowed. For example, this is allowed:
This is not allowed:

Please see Interpreting SHCDS Output Listings for examples and explanations of the output from the list parameters.

The variable, subsystem, is the name of an online system, such as CICS®, as registered to the SMSVSAM server.

Requirements :