Example 1: keyed-direct deletion (KSDS, RRDS)

In this example, GET and ERASE macros are used to retrieve and delete records. Not every retrieved record is deleted. The search argument is a full key (5 bytes), compared equal.
DELETE   ACB   MACRF=(KEY,DIR,                                          x
LIST     RPL   ACB=DELETE,                                              x
               AREA=WORK,                                               x
               AREALEN=50,                                              x
               ARG=KEYFIELD,                                            x
               OPTCD=(KEY,DIR,                                          x
         .     SYN,UPD,             UPD indicates deletion.             x
         .     MVE,FKS,                                                 x
         .     KEQ)
LOOP     MVC   KEYFIELD,source      Search argument for retrieval,      x
                                    from table or transaction record.
         GET   RPL=LIST
         LTR   15,15
         BNZ   ERROR
Decide whether to delete the record:
         BE    LOOP                 No; retrieve the next record.
        ERASE  RPL=LIST             Yes; delete the record.
         LTR     15,15
         BNZ     ERROR
         B       LOOP
ERROR    ...                          Request not accepted, or failed.
WORK     DS      CL50                 Examine the data record here.
KEYFIELD DS      CL5                  Search argument.

When you retrieve a record for deletion (OPTCD=UPD, same as retrieval for update), VSAM is positioned at the record retrieved, in anticipation of a succeeding ERASE (or PUT) request for that record. However, you are not required to issue such a request. Another GET request nullifies any previous positioning for deletion or update.

Keyed-sequential retrieval for deletion varies from direct in that it does not use a search argument (except for possible use of the POINT macro). Skip-sequential retrieval for deletion (OPTCD=(SKP,UPD)) has the same effect as direct, but it is faster or slower depending on the number of control intervals separating the records being retrieved.