DESERV completion codes

The DESERV macro return codes with their descriptions are shown below, followed by the reason codes. The reason codes are grouped by DESERV macro function.

When the system returns control to the problem program, the return code is in the area identified by the RETCODE= parameter or register 15 and the reason code is in the area identified by the RSNCODE= parameter or register 0. The significant part of the reason code is in the low-order 2 bytes.

The symbols included in the descriptions below for the return and reason codes (for example, DESRC_SUCC) are contained in the macro IGWDES.

A system error return code (DESRC_SEVE (36(X'24'))) should be considered to be a terminating error. The reason codes associated with DESRC_SEVE are for Diagnosis, Modification, and Tuning Information (DMTI) and are contained in z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis.