DESERV RELEASE function reason codes

Table 1. DESERV RELEASE Function Reason Codes
Return Code Reason Code Meaning Name
00(X'00') 0000(X'00') DESRS_SUCC Successful processing.
08(X'08') 1019(X'3FB') DESRS_CONNECTION_NOT_FOUND The connection specified in the SMDE could not be found. Probable user error.
12(X'0C') 1066(X'42A') DESRS_INVALID_RELEASE_TYPE The RELEASE function must be specified with the CONN_ID parameter or the DE_LIST parameter.
12(X'0C') 1067(X'42B') DESRS_INVALID_CONN_ID_PTR The address of the CONN_ID parameter is 0.
12(X'0C') 1068(X'42C') DESRS_INVALID_DE_LIST_CNT The number of entries in the DE_LIST is 0.
12(X'0C') 1069(X'42D') DESRS_INVALID_DE_LIST_PTR The address of the DE_LIST parameter is 0.
16(X'10') 1018(X'3FA') DESRS_DESL_SMDE_PTR The SMDE for the release function had a null pointer or the eye catcher is invalid.