How to supply an exit routine above 16 MB

Figure 1 is an example of a technique to have a 31 bit exit routine residing above the 16 MB line but with an entry point below the line. It is also an example of a glue routine.

The DCB, DCB exit list and entry point for an exit list must reside below the 16 MB line. The OPEN parameter list in this example must reside below the line.

Figure 1. Using a DCB exit list when the application is above the line.
BigProg  AMODE 31        Execute in 31-bit addressing mode
BigProg  RMODE ANY       Reside above the 16 MB line
         STORAGE OBTAIN,LENGTH=LenArea,LOC=(BELOW,64)  Get DCB & etc. area
         LR    R2,R1               Load work area base register
         USING WorkArea,R2
         MVC   MyDCB,ModelDCB      Create DCB below the line
         LA    R0,EXL              Point the DCB to exit list below
         STCM  R0,B'0111',DCBEXLSA-IHADCB+MyDCB    the line
         MVI   EXL,X'85'           Set last entry & DCB OPEN exit list
         LA    R0,OPEN24           Point the exit list to the exit rtn
         STCM  R0,B'0111',EXLOPEN    that is below the line
         MVC   OPEN24,ModOPEN24    Move glue code to below line
         LA    R0,OPEN31           Show the 24-bit code where the
         ST    R0,AdOPEN31           31-bit code is above the line
         OI    AdOPEN31,X'80'      Set bit 0 to AMODE 31 in address
         MVC   OpenList,ModelOPEN  Build OPEN parameter list
         OPEN  (MyDCB),MF=(E,OpenList)     List is below the line
         BR    R14                 Return to caller
OPEN31   EQU   *         Entry point of DCB OPEN exit above the line
         BSM   0,R14     Switch to 24-bit mode and return to OPEN
ModelOPEN OPEN (,INPUT),MF=L       Model OPEN parameter list
LenOpen  EQU   *-ModelOPEN
* The following is the model for the DCB OPEN exit routine entry point.
* We copy this code to the work area, which is below the line.  The
* BSM sets the current addressing mode (24) in bit 0 of R14 without
* changing anything else in R14.  It also switches to 31-bit due to
* bit 0 in R15 and branches to the address in R15.
ModOPEN24 L    R15,AdOPEN31-OPEN24(,R15) Entry pt to DCB OPEN exit rtn
         BSM   R14,R15        Save AMODE, switch to 31-bit and branch
LenOPEN24 EQU  *-ModOPEN24
* DCB model, which is above the line.
* Dynamic storage that must reside below 16MB line due to DCB & exit
* list restrictions.
WorkArea DSECT
MyDCB    DS    XL(DCBLngQS)  Actual QSAM DCB
* Each entry in DCB exit list is four bytes.
EXL      DC    X         Last entry in exit list and for DCB OPEN exit
EXLOPEN  DS    AL3       Address of 24-bit DCB OPEN exit routine
OPENList DS    XL(LenOpen) OPEN parameter list
* The following is executable code to branch above the 16 MB line.
OPEN24   DS    XL(LenOPEN24)   DCB OPEN exit below 16 MB line
AdOPEN31 DS    A         Address of DCB OPEN exit above the line
LenArea  EQU   *-WorkArea
         DCBD  DSORG=QS,DEVD=DA  Mapping macro for DCB