ACS Installation Exits Parameter List (IGDACSPM)

Table 1 shows the parameter list for the ACS installation exits. The parameter list is mapped by the IGDACSPM macro.

Table 1. ACS Installation Exit Parameter List (IGDACSPM)
Offset Length or Bit Pattern Name Description
00 (X'00') 52 ACSPM ACS parameter list
00 (X'00') 8 ACSPID Control block ID='IGDACSPM' (character)
08 (X'08') 2 ACSPLEN ACSP control block length (signed)
10 (X'A') 2 ACSPVER Control block version (binary)
12(X'C') 4 ACSPACEE ACEE pointer
16 (X'10') 4   Reserved
20 (X'14') 4 ACSPWORK Pointer to a work area for the exit
24 (X'18') 4 ACSPWLEN Length of work area
28 (X'1C') 4 ACSPERO Pointer to read-only variables mapped by IGDACERO
32 (X'20') 4 ACSPERW Pointer to read-write variables mapped by IGDACERW
36 (X'24') 4 ACSPACS Pointer to interface routine for calling the ACS routines. If this field is zero, then no ACS routine exists for the current SMS class.
40 (X'28') 12 ACSPACSP Parameters for ACS routines
40 (X'28') 4 ACSPAERO Pointer to read-only variables initially set to ACSPERO
44 (X'2C') 4 ACSPAERW Pointer to read-write variables, initially set to ACSPERW
48 (X'30') 4 ACSPATOK Token for use by ACS interface routine (do not modify)