Restarting SNA RJP automatically after stopping *RESTART,SNARJP


Use the *RESTART,SNARJP command to end a SNA RJP workstation and then start it again. This command has the same effect as entering an *CANCEL,SNARJP command followed by an *START,SNARJP command for the same workstation. It can be used to end activity immediately or conditionally. After the workstation is restarted, communication with the workstation must be reestablished by using the workstation start-up procedure.


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   '-*R-------'                              '-,--I-'   


Specifies the five-character workstation name as specified in the N= parameter of the RJPWS initialization statement.
Specifies immediate checkpoint and cancellation of all current activity at the workstation.

If the I parameter is not specified, the workstation will be canceled after all current workstation activity has ended.