Sending messages to a remote node *MESSAGE,nodename


Use the *MESSAGE,nodename command to send a message to an operator at another node.


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   '-*Z-------'               +-.--vmuserid-+            


nodename.vmuserid or nodename.wsname
Specifies the name of a remote node and, optionally, the name of the VM userid or RJP workstation that is to receive the message.
Specifies the text of the message. JES3 sends this message to the specified remote node operator, VM userid, or RJP workstation.


  • You can send a message from any console, but if you expect a reply, use a console defined to receive networking messages through the NJECONS initialization statement.
  • The maximum length of the message depends on the device to which you are sending the message.


  • JES3 sends the specified message text to the designated remote node. When the message appears on the receiving console, it identifies the sending node. If the text is longer than the maximum allowable length for the receiving console, the excess characters are truncated.


Send a message to the operator at remote workstation STA3 on node BOS:
*MESSAGE,BOS.STA3, Your output is printed
Send a message to VM userid ESH on node MIA:
*Z,MIA.ESH, We're routing four jobs to your system
Send a message to the operator on node DCA:
*Z,DCA, Jobs have been routed to your system