Using Dynamic System Interchange in Recovery

Use dynamic system interchange (DSI) to reassign the JES3 global function to a JES3 local processor, which then becomes the new JES3 global processor. Use DSI when:
  • The global processor is not active.
  • The installation wants a local processor assigned as the global processor.

If the global processor is inactive, the operator can invoke DSI to keep the complex running. Once DSI is complete and the old global processor can be reinitialized, the operator can then initialize again the old global processor as a JES3 local processor without an intervening IPL.

If the global processor is active but the installation needs to assign another processor as the global processor, the operator can invoke DSI. DSI can be used to allow maintenance or to allow use of a different processor as the global.

The basic distinction in the two uses for DSI is the way the global processor is disabled. For more information about DSI, see Dynamic system interchange (DSI).