Displaying DSP information and dump suppression *INQUIRY,X


Use the *INQUIRY,X command to display:
  • Dump suppression information about a specific JES3 failsoft code or all codes with suppressed dumps
  • Maximum counts and status information for C/I service DSPs running in the JES3 global address space
  • The status of the C/I, DISABLE or INTRDR DSP
  • Information about one or more modules


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram

   |              '-DM--xxxx-'                |   
   | '-,--D--=---'  '-ALL-----'               |   
     '-,--M--=------'  |         '-,main-'  |     
                       |          '-,main-' |     
                       | |    .-,---.    |  |     
                       | |    V     |    |  |     
                       | +-(----mm*-+--)-+  |     
                       | '---*-----------'  |     


Displays a list of all JES3 failsoft codes which have dump suppression active.
Displays the dump suppression status and count of suppressed dumps for a specific JES3 failsoft code, and displays the number of dumps that have been suppressed for the JES3 failsoft code.
DSP or D=dspname or ALL
Displays the use count of a specific JES3 dynamic support program (DSP) or for all DSPs (ALL).
MODULE or M=module or ALL
Displays information about one or more modules such as the number of times a module has been loaded, the compile date and time, and the current APAR number.

If ALL is specified, all modules are displayed.

If module is specified, the specific module is displayed.

If mm* is specified, all modules whose names begin with the character string that precedes the "*" are displayed. For example, M=IATMD* would display all modules that begin with the character string IATMD.

The *I,X,M=modname command can be used to display information about modules that have been loaded using the ALOAD or LOAD macros, modules which are loaded in the link page area (LPA) or CSA, and modules (CSECTs) which are part of the IATNUC load module.

If a generic module name or ALL is specified, only modules that are loaded using the ALOAD macro are displayed.

Displays information about the specified module on the specified system (M=module,main).
MODULE or M=address
Specifies the address within a module. When address is specified, the information for the module that contains that address is displayed, along with the offset of address from the start of the module.

The *I,X,M=address command can be used to display information about modules that have been loaded using the ALOAD or LOAD macros, modules that are loaded in the link page area (LPA) or CSA, and modules (CSECTs) that are part of the IATNUC load module.

Displays information about the module containing the address specified on the system specified (M=address,main).
Note: If the system name specified is a local processor, it must be connected to the global or the command will be rejected.


Display status information for C/I DSPs in the global address space:
Display maximum counts for POSTSCAN DSPs in the global address space:
Display the dump suppression status for JES3 failsoft code DM656:
Display the list of JES3 failsoft codes which have dump suppression active:
Display information for module IATIIFS:
Display information for module IATDMNC, which is the IATNUC load module:
Display information for all MDS modules:
Display information for the module that contains the address 4B010000:
Display information for module IATWLSRV on SY2.