Authorizing the Use of Input Sources

You can use RACF® to limit which sources of input are valid for job submission, including RJP workstations, device readers, nodes, and internal readers. For example, you might want to prevent certain users from entering jobs from a particular RJP workstation.

To authorize the submission of work from specific input sources, take the following steps:
  1. Ask your JES system programmer for the following information:
    • The name of the device. This is described in the topic on authorizing the use of input sources in the JES3 Initialization and Tuning information for your system.
    • The userID or group ID of the users you want to authorize or restrict.
    • The universal access authority to associate with each device. Valid access authorities for input devices are:
      Specifies that the input device can be used only by those users explicitly permitted through the access list.
      Specifies the minimum authority required to use the input source.
  2. Define a profile for each input source, as follows:
    RDEFINE  JESINPUT  source-name  UACC(NONE)
  3. IBM® strongly recommends that you create a profile with a UACC of READ for all JES input sources that are otherwise not defined:
    If you do not, users will be able to access only JES input sources to which they (or their groups) are explicitly authorized.
    Note: This example assumes that a SETROPTS GENERIC(JESINPUT) was previously issued to turn generics on for this class and that a SETROPTS REFRESH was then done.
  4. For each protected input source, grant access to the users or groups who need to use it:
    PERMIT  source-name  CLASS(JESINPUT)
            ID(user or group)  ACCESS(READ)
  5. When you are ready to start using the protection provided by the profiles you have created, activate the JESINPUT class:
    Note: If you activate this class and create no profiles for it, users will be prevented from submitting batch jobs.