How Restarts Affect Networking Jobs

Because JES3 and a Netserv are separate address spaces, the failure of one system does not impact processing in the other. If your installation is using the TCP/IP networking protocol, networking jobs or SYSOUT that are being sent to another node should not be lost if either system fails. JES3 and Netserv automatically take certain actions according to the type of restart that is required. Generally, if JES3 fails, Netservs must wait to access TCP/IP/NJE work; if a Netserv fails, the TCP DSP that JES3 uses to control the Netserv will also end. It can be reestablished by another *CALL,TCP,NETSERV= command. Until this is done, JES3 will not send any TCP/IP/NJE work to that Netserv.