An IKE function did not complete successfully because of an error condition in the function specified.
Additional diagnostic messages that have the same message instance number will be issued to further identify the error. The message instance number precedes the message number in the log output and is used to group related messages from the IKE daemon.
locid identifies the location of this error.
function is the IKE function that did not complete successfully.
val1 is internal error information or 0 if not available.
val2 is internal error information or 0 if not available.
val3 is internal error information or blank if not available.
The specified function failed; IKE daemon processing continues.
Look for other messages that have the same message instance number and follow the instructions documented in those messages. Because these messages are usually the result of other errors that are being encountered, they can be turned off by not setting the VERBOSE bit in the IkeSyslogLevel parameter on the IkeConfig statement. See the information about the IKE daemon in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for more information about the IkeConfig statement and IKE daemon configuration file.