EZD0957I   Phase 1 Security Association p1_said created successfully but an error at the coupling facility makes it unavailable for takeover


The indicated Security Association (SA) was created and is fully functional. However, when the phase 1 information was passed into the coupling facility, an error occurred. This phase 1 SA is not available for takeover.

p1_said is the ID of the specified SA.

System action

The SA is not available for takeover; IKE daemon processing continues.

Operator response

See the information about diagnosing sysplex-wide Security Association (SWSA) problems in z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide for information about correcting the problem at the coupling facility. After correcting the problem at the coupling facility, you can manually refresh the SA using the ipsec command to make it available for takeover. See the information about the managing network security in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands or issue the man ipsec command in a z/OS® UNIX shell to obtain information about the ipsec command syntax and options. Alternatively, you can wait for the SA to be refreshed automatically according to the configured lifetime or lifesize settings.

System programmer response




Procedure name
