EZD0835I   IPv6 filters defined but IPv6 IPSECURITY support not enabled


IPv6 IP filters were defined in the Policy Agent IP filter policy, but IPv6 IPSECURITY is not enabled on the IPCONFIG6 statement in the TCP/IP profile.

System action

IPv6 IP filters are discarded and IPv6 traffic is not subject to IP filtering. TCP/IP processing continues.

Operator response

Contact the system programmer.

System programmer response

Determine whether IPv6 IP filtering is necessary. If not, no action is necessary. If IPv6 IP filtering is necessary, enable it by coding the IPSECURITY option on the IPCONFIG6 statement in the TCP/IP profile. Restart the TCP/IP stack for this change to take effect. See the information about the IPCONFIG6 statement in the z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for more information about specifying IP security for a stack.

User response

Not applicable.

Problem determination

Not applicable.


z/OS® Communications Server TCP/IP: IPSec



Routing code

Not applicable.

Descriptor code

Not applicable.


Not applicable.