The stack reached one of the limits specified on the V TCPIP,,OSAENTA command or the OSAENTA statement in PROFILE.TCPIP for OSA-Express network traffic analyzer trace collection, and stopped collecting trace data on this OSA-Express.
TCP/IP stops collecting trace data on this OSA-Express. If the trace is restarted, the current OSAENTA settings remain in effect.
Contact the system programmer.
To restart the trace, issue a VARY TCPIP,,OSAENTA command specifying the ON parameter or issue a VARY TCPIP,,OBEYFILE command with a TCP/IP profile that contains an OSAENTA statement specifying the ON parameter. See the information about the VARY TCPIP,,OSAENTA command in z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands and the OSAENTA statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for more information.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
z/OS® Communications Server TCP/IP: TCP/IP stack
Not applicable.