FTP standard return codes

Standard FTP return codes are computed when you specify CLIENTERRCODES FALSE or the default value in the FTP.DATA file and when one of the following cases occurs:
  • EXIT is specified with no parameter.
  • The CLIENTEXIT FALSE statement is specified or the default value is specified in the FTP.DATA file.

Standard FTP return codes might also be displayed in the text of message EZZ9830I if LOGCLIENTERR TRUE and CLIENTERRCODES FALSE are specified in the FTP.DATA file, regardless of the following conditions:

A standard FTP return code appears in the following format:


Is the subcommand code, a number in the range 1-99 representing the subcommand that the FTP client was executing when it detected the error. Each subcommand has an EXIT_IF_ERROR flag. If you configure FTP to exit on error, the EXIT_IF_ERROR flag determines whether the FTP client exits when an error occurs. You can configure FTP to exit on error by using one of the following methods:
  • Specify the EXIT or EXIT=nn parameter on the FTP command
  • Code the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement in the FTP.DATA file
Table 1 describes the possible FTP subcommand codes.
Is the reply code from the most recent reply sent by the FTP server. All FTP server replies begin with a 3-digit number. All reply codes used by the z/OS® FTP server are listed the z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes. See RFC 959 and RFC 1123 for a generic description of FTP reply codes. Information about accessing RFCs can be found in Related protocol specifications.
For example, the FTP standard return code 16550 indicates the following:
The GET command failed.
The reply code from the FTP server. The latest reply from the server began with the number 550.
The FTP standard return code 04532 indicates the following:
The APPEND command failed.
The reply code from the FTP server.
00 and 000 are valid values for yy and xxx. This means that the error occurred at a time when no FTP subcommand was being processed (yy=00) or at a time when no reply had been received from the server for the current process. Message EZA1735I is issued in one of the following situations:
  • when the EXIT parameter is specified when the FTP client was started
  • whether the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement is specified in the FTP.DATA file
This message contains FTP standard return codes and FTP client error codes.