EZA1735I   Std Return Code = rc, Error Code = ec


FTP has ended with an error only because the user has specified EXIT as a start parameter. Normally FTP would continue.

rc is the standard return code. rc is in the format yyxxx, where
The subcommand code, which is a number from 0 to 99.
This is the last reply code received from the FTP server. If a subcommand failed before a reply was received from the server, this value is 000.

ec is the client error code set by the FTP client.

System action

The FTP client ends.

Operator response

To determine the cause of the error, see FTP return codes in z/OS Communications Server: IP User's Guide and Commands for information about FTP return codes, including subcommand codes, client error codes, and reply codes.

System programmer response

No action is needed.
