The AUTOTYPE function, for automatic data set name and member name completion

The AUTOTYPE function is not available on all ISPF panels. It works only on panels that are specifically written to understand it.

If you assign the value of AUTOTYPE to a function key, you can type a partial name into a library, member, or data set name field, then press the function key to have ISPF complete the name for you.

AUTOTYPE automatically searches the catalog or PDS directory to find names that match what you entered. You can even type a pattern to limit the names that AUTOTYPE will return. AUTOTYPE works only on panels that have been enabled to use the function. You can also enable your own applications to use AUTOTYPE (see Enabling applications to use AUTOTYPE).

If you are using a terminal emulator, you can assign an easily reachable key to the function key that invokes AUTOTYPE. For example, you can use a control key combination or any other key or combination that is within easy reach. You can also use the function key directly.

Within ISPF, AUTOTYPE is enabled for these panels:

On panels that are not enabled for AUTOTYPE, pressing the AUTOTYPE key is the same as pressing ENTER. The variable ZVERB is set to the value 'AUTOTYPE'.