Using function keys with personal lists

You can set function keys to process any of the fast path commands, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Defining Function Keys to Issue Referral List Commands
 ┌────────────────────────────── Keylist Utility ──────────────────────────────┐
 │   File                                                                      │
 │ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  │
 │ SHARED                  ISR Keylist ISRSAB Change         Row 1 to 10 of 24 │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Make changes and then select File action bar.                               │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Keylist Help Panel Name . . . ISRSABH                                       │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Key       Definition                                 Format  Label          │
 │ F1 . . .  HELP                                       SHORT   Help           │
 │ F2 . . .  SPLIT                                      LONG    Split          │
 │ F3 . . .  EXIT                                       SHORT   Exit           │
 │ F4 . . .  REFACTD MYLIST 2                           SHORT   Refd2          │
 │ F5 . . .  REFACTL MYLIB 1                            SHORT   Refl1          │
 │ F6 . . .  REFACTD MYLIST                             SHORT   Refd           │
 │ F7 . . .  BACKWARD                                   LONG    Backward       │
 │ F8 . . .  FORWARD                                    LONG    Forward        │
 │ F9 . . .  SWAP                                       LONG    Swap           │
 │ F10  . .  ACTIONS                                    SHORT   Actions        │
 │                                                                             │
 │ Command ===>                                             Scroll ===> PAGE   │
 │  F1=Help     F3=Exit    F10=Actions F12=Cancel                              │
If you used these function key settings, you could: