Using KGUP control statements

You use control statements to specify the function you want the key generator utility program (KGUP) to perform. You use job control language (JCL) to submit the control statements to KGUP. You can create and submit KGUP control statements either on your own or using the KGUP panels. OPKYLOAD control statements cannot be created using the KGUP panels.

You specify information to KGUP using an ADD, UPDATE, DELETE, RENAME, SET or OPKYLOAD control statement. You use keywords on the control statement to specify:

For example, if you specify the KEY keyword on an ADD control statement, you supply a key which KGUP adds to the CKDS in an entry.

This topic describes the syntax of the control statements with their keywords. Use these rules when interpreting the syntax of the control statements: Control statements in the Control Statement Input data set may not be longer than 71 characters including the continuation character.