New Master Keys Automatically Set When ICSF Started

ICSF will automatically set new master key registers when ICSF started. When running with COMPAT(NO), the check of the new master key registers is made every time ICSF is started, When running with COMPAT(YES), the check is only done when ICSF is started for the first time after an IPL.

The following conditions must be true:
  • Only the DES and RSA master keys are checked for ICSF releases up to and including HCR7770 and only after an IPL.
  • All master keys (AES, DES, ECC, RSA, and P11) are checked starting with ICSF release HCR7780. If running with COMPAT(NO), the check is made everytime ICSF is started.
Initializing ICSF for the first time in a sysplex
You can use this processing to load the master keys and initialize your key data sets.
  1. Start ICSF on all systems in your sysplex. All systems should be using the same installation options data set.
  2. Load the new master key registers for the master keys you are going to use. This can be done by using the ICSF Master Key Entry panels or the TKE workstation.
  3. Initialize your data sets on one system: CKDS and PKDS for CCA usage or TKDS for PKCS 11 usage.
  4. On all other systems, you can stop and start ICSF or use the Change Master Key utilities from the ICSF panels. This will set the master keys and your coprocessors will be active and available for work.