Display UDXs for a coprocessor

A panel similar to Figure 1 is displayed when option 1 is selected. You will see a list of CCA coprocessors.

Figure 1. Authorized UDX Coprocessor Selection Panel
 CSFUDX10 ----- ICSF - Authorized UDX Coprocessor Selection   Row 1 to 1 of 6
 COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL===> PAGE

 Select the coprocessor to be queried and press ENTER.

   -----------        -------------        ------  
   4C00               16BA6109             ACTIVE
   4C01               16BA6111             ACTIVE
   4C02               16BA6155             ACTIVE
   4C03               16BA6133             ACTIVE
   4C04               16BA6129             ACTIVE
   4C07               16BA6140             ACTIVE

Select the coprocessor you wish to query. Use an s to select the coprocessor. Only one coprocessor can be selected. A panel similar to Figure 2 is displayed.

Figure 2. Authorized UDXs Panel
 CSFUDX20 --------- ICSF - Authorized UDXs                Row 1 to 1 of 3
 COMMAND ===>                                             SCROLL===> PAGE

 For Cryptographic Coprocessor P00, the following UDXs are authorized:

   UDX id        Service Module       Comment
   ------        --------------       -------  
   XD            UDXSABCD             PIN processing extensions
   XE            UDXSEFGH             Multiple hash generate service
   YH            UDXSIJKL             Secure messaging key generate
  *******************************Bottom of data*****************************

This panel shows the authorized User Defined Extensions for the coprocessor selected. The UDX id is the two character code. The service module is the z/OS load module specified in the UDX keyword in the ICSF Installation Options Data Set. The comment is also specified in the UDX keyword.