Calling installation exits during conversion

You can call two installation exits during conversion program processing: the conversion program exit (CSFCONVX) and the single-record, read-write exit (CSFSRRW). The conversion program calls the exit at three different times: before, during, and after conversion program processing. See Installation exits for a description of the conversion program and single-record, read-write exit control blocks.

The conversion program calls the CSFCONVX exit after you submit the conversion program job, but before the program actually begins processing. At this point, you can use the exit to change the output ICSF CKDS header record installation data field.

The conversion program also calls the CSFCONVX exit during processing as the conversion program completes the virtual image ICSF CKDS, but before the conversion program reenciphers the key values. The conversion program calls the exit as it writes each record to the virtual image ICSF CKDS. At this point, you can use the exit to specify that the conversion program not place an entry into the output ICSF CKDS.

The conversion program also calls the CSFCONVX exit after the conversion program completes processing. At this point, you can use the exit to change the output ICSF CKDS header record installation data field.

As the conversion program reads the records from the virtual image ICSF CKDS to the actual output ICSF CKDS, it calls the single-record, read-write exit. The conversion program calls the single-record, read-write exit as it writes each record to the output ICSF CKDS. You can use this exit to specify that the conversion program not place an entry into the output ICSF CKDS.

The conversion program writes every entry from the PCF CKDS and input ICSF CKDS into the output ICSF CKDS unless an override record or installation exit indicates that the conversion program should bypass the entry from the PCF CKDS.