IGZ0294S   XML conversion could not complete in program PROGRAM-NAME because the address of one or more required parameters to the main entry point did not have valid addresses.


Ensure that each parameter passed to the XML converter has a valid non-null storage address unless a particular parameter can be null as defined by the converter call interface. For example, passing a null address for the XML buffer address to the language structure to XML converter will cause the required size of the XML buffer to be returned instead of performing XML conversion.

System action

The converter will either signal a Language Environment condition or, if the optional feedback code argument is provided, a condition token representing the condition will be placed in the argument.

Programmer response

Ensure that each parameter passed to the converter has a valid storage address unless a particular parameter can be null as defined by the converter call interface. For example, a null message address passed to the outbound converter will be interpreted as a request for the maximum outbound message size to be returned instead of performing a conversion.

Symbolic Feedback Code
