Customizing /etc/rc

The /etc/rc file contains customization commands for z/OS UNIX System Services Application Services. Copy the IBM®-supplied /samples/rc file to /etc/rc, as described in Steps for customizing /etc/rc and customize it.

If the /etc/inittab file is installed, z/OS® UNIX installation processes the /etc/inittab file instead of executing the /etc/rc file. If you want to use /etc/inittab in addition to the existing /etc/rc file, then include an entry in the /etc/inittab file to start /etc/rc.

The following excerpt of IBM-supplied /samples/rc file includes the set -v -x command, which specifies that a verbose shell command trace of /etc/rc is to be written to /etc/log. Certain comments are also commented out.

# Initial setup for z/OS UNIX

# Provide z/OS UNIX Startup Diagnostics
set -v -x

# Setup utmpx file
chmod 644 /etc/utmpx

# Reset all slave tty files
chmod 666 /dev/tty*
chown 0 /dev/tty*

# Allow only file owner to remove files from /tmp
chmod 1777 /tmp

# Allow only file owner to remove files from /var
chmod 1777 /var

# Allow only file owner to remove files from /dev
chmod 1755 /dev

# Setup write, talk, mesg utilities
# chgrp TTY   /bin/write
# chgrp TTY   /bin/mesg
# chgrp TTY   /bin/talk
# chmod 2755  /bin/write
# chmod 2755  /bin/mesg
# chmod 2755  /bin/talk
# Performed at install in HOT7707
# Commented out in HOT6609 and performed in SAMPLIB job FOMISCHO

# Setup mailx utility
# No need to CHGRP /usr/mail directory
# No need to CHGRP mailx utility
# No need to CHMOD mailx to turn on SETGID
# Setup uucp utility
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/IBM
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/locks
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucppublic
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/.Xqtdir
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/.Sequence
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/spool/uucp/.Status
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uucp
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uuname
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uustat
# chown uucp:uucpg /bin/uux
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt
# chown uucp:uucpg /usr/lib/uucp/uucc
# chmod 4775 /bin/uucp
# chmod 4775 /bin/uuname
# chmod 4775 /bin/uustat
# chmod 4775 /bin/uux
# chmod 4754 /usr/lib/uucp/uucico
# chmod 4754 /usr/lib/uucp/uuxqt
# chmod 4774 /usr/lib/uucp/uucc
# Performed at install in HOT7707
# Commented out in HOT6609 and performed in SAMPLIB job FOMISCHO

# Invoke vi recovery

# mkdir -m 777 /var/tmp
# export TMP_VI="/var/tmp"
Start of changeif [ -e /etc/recover ]
    chmod 1777 /etc/recover
    mkdir -m 1777 /etc/recover
fi End of change 

# Create TERMINFO database
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/ibm.ti
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/dec.ti
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/wyse.ti
# tic /usr/share/lib/terminfo/dtterm.ti
# commented tic out in HOT1180 - all TERMINFO files are shipped

# Added in HOT7750 to eliminate a manual migration action.
# Remove all files in the man cache that were created by the
 man command for the default MANPATH directory.
# NOTE: This loop only removes files for a subset of the LANG values 
#   possible.  Administrators should customize the loop to include 
#   the LANG values supported on their system.
for MAN_CACHE_LANG in C Ja_JP Zh_CN ; do
  [[ -d /var/man/$MAN_CACHE_LANG ]] && rm /var/man/$MAN_CACHE_LANG/*.[0-9].*

# Start the INET daemon for remote login activity
#_BPX_JOBNAME='INETD' /usr/sbin/inetd /etc/inetd.conf &

sleep 5
echo /etc/rc script executed, `date`
The following setup sections have been commented out:
  • For the mailx utility because the mailx utility no longer requires these entries.
  • For creating the terminfo database because IBM ships the individual files that make up the terminfo database.
  • For the mesg, talk, write and uucp because this customization is now done when running the FOMISCHO sample job.