dirs built-in command for tcsh: Print the directory stack


  • dirs [-l] [-n|-v]
  • dirs -S|-L [file name]
  • dirs -c


dirs used alone prints the directory stack in the following format: The top of the stack is at the left and the first directory in the stack is the current directory. For example:
 > cd <========== # Change to home dir
 > pushd /bin <== # Change dir to /bin and add /bin to dir stack
 /bin ~
 > pushd /tmp <== # Change dir to /tmp and add /tmp to dir stack
 /tmp /bin ~
 > dirs <======== # Display current dir stack
 /tmp /bin ~
 > dirs -l <===== # Display in expanded (long) format
 /tmp /bin /u/erinf
 > dirs -v <===== # Display in verbose format
 0 /tmp
 1 /bin
 2 ~
 > popd <======== # Change dir back to /bin and remove /tmp from dir stack
 /bin ~
Note:  dir=directory


Output is expanded explicitly to home or the path name of the home directory for the user.
Entries are wrapped before they reach the edge of the screen.
Entries are printed one per line, preceded by their stack positions.

If more than one of -n or -v is given, -v takes precedence.

Saves the directory stack to file name as a series of cd and pushd commands.
The tcsh shell sources file name, which is presumably a directory stack file saved by the -S option or the savedirs mechanism. In either case, dirsfile is used if file name is not given and ~/.cshdirs is used if dirsfile is unset.

Login shells do the equivalent of dirs -L on startup and, if savedirs is set, you should issue dirs -S before exiting. Because only ~/.tcshrc is normally sourced before ~/.cshdirs, dirsfile should be set in ~/.tcshrc instead of ~/.login.

Clear the directory stack.

Related information
