edcmtext — Display errnojr reason code text


edcmtext errnojr_value


edcmtext displays the description and action text for C/C++ run-time library errnojr (errno2) values. No other values are supported by this command. This command is intended as an aid for problem determination.

errnojr_value is specified as 8 hexadecimal characters.

You can specify one of the following in place of a errnojr value to view a help dialog: -h, help, ?.

To display the output in uppercase, specify the -U option.

Usage notes

errnojr_values are also accepted in mixed case and with hexadecimal digits prefixed with the "0x".

Message returns

If the user specifies a -h, help or ? in place of the errnojr_value, the following message is displayed:
 Usage: edcmtext errnojr_value
If no text is available for the errnojr_value the following message is displayed:
 errnojr_value: No information is currently available for this errnojr_value.
If the errnojr_value is not comprised of 1-8 hexadecimal digits the following message is displayed:
Usage: edcmtext errnojr_value
If the errnojr_value is not in the C/C++ run-time library range, the following message is displayed:
Notice: The errnjr_value is not in the C/C++ run-time library range.
If the environment that edcmtext is being run in is not TSO/E or z/OS® UNIX, the following message is displayed:
Error: The environment is not TSO/E or z/OS UNIX.

errnojr (errno2) values will be found in z/OS Language Environment Runtime Messages.


The command:
edcmtext C00B0021
produces data displayed in the following format:
JrEdc1opsEinval01: The mode argument passed to fopen() or freopen() did not begin 
with r, w, or a.

Action: Correct the mode argument.  The first keyword of the mode argument must be 
the open mode.  Ensure the open mode is specified first and begins with r, w, or a.

Source: edc1opst.c

Exit values

Successful completion
Failure due to an argument that is not 1–8 hexadecimal digits
Bad input due to an errnojr_value out of the C/C++ run-time range.
Environment not TSO/E or z/OS UNIX
Internal error. Contact IBM®.