Using a symbolic mode to specify permissions

A symbolic mode has the form:
[who] op permission [op permission …]
The who value is optional; it can be any combination of the following:
Sets owner (user) permissions.
Sets group permissions.
Sets other permissions.
Sets all permissions; this is the default.
The op part of a symbolic mode is an operator that tells chmod to turn the permissions on or off. The possible values are:
Turns on a permission.
Turns off a permission.
Turns on the specified permissions and turns off all others.
To set the permission part of a symbolic mode, you can specify any combination of the following permissions in any order:
Read permission.
This stands for set-user-ID-on-execution or set-group-ID-on-execution permission. See Temporarily changing the user ID or group ID during execution for more information.
This sets the sticky bit on, for a file or directory.
Directory: The sticky bit is set on for a directory so that a user cannot remove or rename a file in the directory unless one or more of these conditions is true:
  • The user owns the file.
  • The user owns the directory.
  • The user has superuser authority.

File: The sticky bit is set for frequently used programs in the file system, to reduce I/O and improve performance. When the bit is set on, z/OS UNIX searches for the program in the user's STEPLIB, the link pack area, or the link list concatenation. For information on copying a load module from the file system into a data set, see Copying an executable module from the file system. See Verifying that the sticky bit is on in z/OS UNIX System Services Planning for information on using the sticky bit with daemons.

Write permission. If this is off, you cannot write to the file.
Execute permission. If this is off, you cannot execute the file.
Search permission for a directory; or execute permission for a file only when the current mode has at least one of the execute bits set.
For example, to turn on read, write, and execute permissions, and turn off the set-user-ID and sticky bit attributes for a file, enter the command:
chmod a=rwx file

You can specify multiple symbolic modes if you separate them with commas.