Using commands to work with directories and files

There are numerous shell commands you can use to create and work with directories and files. See the z/OS® shell summary section in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference for a list of them.

To get online help for using the shell commands, you can use the man command.

You can also use TSO/E commands to do certain tasks with the file system. Some of these are tasks that UNIX users traditionally perform while in the shell.
Invoke the ISPF shell. This is a panel interface for performing many user and administrator tasks. For more information, see Using the ISPF shell.
Create a directory. Unlike the mkdir shell command, this command does not create intermediate directories in a path name if they do not exist.
Make a character special file. To use this command, you must be a superuser.
Add a mountable file system to the file hierarchy. To use this command, you must have mount authority. (See the section on mount authority in z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.)
Browse (read but not update) a z/OS UNIX file using the ISPF full-screen browse facility.
Copy data between sequential data sets, or PDS and PDSE members, and z/OS UNIX files.
Create or edit text using the ISPF editor.
Copy a z/OS UNIX file to an MVS™ sequential data set or partitioned data set member. You can specify text or binary data, and select code page conversion.
Copy one or many files from a directory to a partitioned data set, a PDS/E, or a sequential data set. You can specify text or binary data, select code page conversion, allow a copy from lowercase file names, and delete one or all suffixes from the file names when they become PDS member names.
Copy an MVS sequential data set or partitioned data set member to a z/OS UNIX file. You can specify text or binary data, and select code page conversion.
Copy one or many members from a partitioned data set, PDS/E, or a sequential data set to a directory. You can specify text or binary data, select code page conversion, specify a copy to lowercase file names, and append a suffix to the member names when they become file names.
Build a list of files that are sanctioned as valid step libraries for programs that have the set-user-ID or set-group-ID bit set. To use this command, you must be a superuser.
Remove a file system from the file hierarchy. To use this command, you must have mount authority. (See the section on mount authority in z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.)

For information about existing TSO/E commands that you might commonly use, see z/OS TSO/E Command Reference.

To get online help for TSO/E commands, you can use either the TSO/E HELP command. See Entering a TSO/E command for information about entering TSO/E commands in TSO/E, the shell, and ISPF.