Using uuto to transfer files

uuto is a simplified method of invoking uucp, and it also handles text and binary files automatically. When a file is transferred by uuto to another site, it is put in the receive/usr subdirectory of the public UUCP directory. Within the receive subdirectory, each user on the local system has a subdirectory. For example, a file for user stiert would be transferred to /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/stiert.

  1. You need to know the name of the remote site. To list the remote sites that have been configured, type:
    The sites are listed, one per line.
  2. Copy the file to the other site. For example, to copy the file in your current directory to the public directory on the site named north, type:
    uuto north!nuucp

    The recipient is notified by mail when the file arrives. To get the file, the recipient should use the uupick command. See Working with your files in the public directory for information on how to use the uupick command.