Change Level

The Change Level category defines the Engineering Change (EC) level of the resource object, including global resource identifier (GRID) parts and the date and time the resource was marked. The settings listed in the data description area depend on whether the resource type is CODE PAGE or FONT CHARACTER SET:
    Graphic character set global identifier, which is specified as four HEX digits.
    Code page global identifier, which is specified as four HEX digits.
    YEAR=yyyy MONTH=mm DAY=dd
    The date the resource object was marked.
    The hour, minute, second, and hundredth of a second the resource object was marked.
    Font typeface global identifier, which is specified as four HEX digits.
    Font width, which is specified as four HEX digits.
    YEAR=yyyy MONTH=mm DAY=dd
    The date the resource object was marked.
    The hour, minute, second, and hundredth of a second the resource object was marked.
  1. The GRID parts, date, and time are listed if the resource object is marked with APSRMARK; otherwise, NOT SPECIFIED IN RESOURCE is listed in the data description area.
  2. The GRID parts, date, and time are derived from the RRID, RRDATE, and RRTIME parameters in APSRMARK.
  3. The change level is intended to match the change level of the identical resource object included with a printer. The change level can be set in the resource object with APSRMARK.
  4. The Change Level category is used for resident resource activation of raster fonts.
  5. The Change Level category is only listed in the report when the Bxx structured field contains an X'63' type X'02' triplet.