Print GIF, JPEG, or TIFF data on an AFP printer with the Print Interface subsystem

This example shows how to print GIF, JPEG, or TIFF data on an AFP printer that PSF controls. This example assumes that your administrator created a PSF printer definition that is named myafpprinter in the Infoprint Server Printer Inventory and that you are using InfoPrint Transform Manager for Linux (the administrator specified the remote transform filter in the printer definition).

The Print Interface subsystem that is named AOP1 transforms the data to AFP format and writes the AFP data to an output data set on the JES spool. The subsystem uses options that are specified in printer definition myafpprinter. PSF then prints the data set on the AFP printer whose values match those values that are specified in myafpprinter. PSF uses form definition F1MYDEF, which is in library MYLIB, to format the AFP data.

//SSJOB7   JOB ...
//DD1      DD SUBSYS=(AOP1,'myafpprinter'),
//         OUTPUT=(*.OUTDS1)