Changes made in z/OSMF Version 2 Release 1, SA32-1066-01

This document contains information previously presented in IBM z/OS Management Facility Programming, SA32-1066-00, which supported IBM® z/OS® Management Facility Version 2 Release 1.

This document contains new or revised information for APAR PM98630 and its corequisite APARs.

New information

New functionality is available for z/OSMF V2R1 when you install APAR PM98630 and its corequisite APARs. For instructions on installing this service on a z/OSMF V2R1 system, check the ++HOLD actions for the associated program temporary fix (PTF).

Three new application programming interfaces (APIs) are available:
  • Data persistence services, which allows an HTTP client application to perform the following actions:
    • Persist user-specific and global application data.
    • Retrieve user-specific and global application data.
    • Delete user-specific and global application data.

    For information, see Data persistence services.

  • TSO/E address space services, which allows an HTTP client application to work with TSO/E address spaces on the z/OSMF host system. The supported operations are:
    • Start or reconnect to a TSO/E address space.
    • Start an application on a TSO/E address space.
    • Receive messages from a TSO/E address space.
    • Receive messages from an application running in a TSO/E address space.
    • Send messages to a TSO/E address space.
    • Send messages to an application running in a TSO/E address space.
    • Ping a TSO/E address space.
    • End a TSO/E address space.

    For information, see TSO/E address space services.

  • z/OS data set and file REST interface, which allows an HTTP client application to work with z/OS data sets and UNIX files on the z/OSMF host system. The supported operations are:
    • List data set names
    • List z/OS UNIX directories or files.

    For information, see z/OS data set and file REST interface.

    To enable the z/OS data set and file REST interface services, IBM supplies a default procedure in your order, which you must install prior to configuring z/OSMF. For information, see IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

If your installation requires function that is not provided in z/OSMF or in another web-based application, you can create your own plug-in and import it into z/OSMF. For information, see Creating your own z/OSMF plug-ins.

The z/OS jobs REST interface services API is enhanced, as follows:
  • A calling application can submit a job to run on a secondary JES2 system. In previous releases, jobs could be submitted to the primary JES2 system only. See Submit a job.
  • New services are added to allow a calling application to:
    • Hold a job to make it ineligible for processing; see Hold a job
    • Release a job that has been held so that it can be selected for processing; see Release a job.
For more information about z/OS jobs REST interface services, see z/OS jobs REST interface.
To help you create a workflow definition, z/OSMF has added a number of functional enhancements to the Workflows task schema. With these enhancements, you can:
  • Pre-specify the user input values for a workflow through a property file called the workflow variable input file. With this file, you can lessen or eliminate the need for the user to specify inputs manually when running a workflow. More information is provided in Providing a workflow variable input file.
  • Create workflows with automated steps, that is, steps that run with little or no user interaction when the required user input values are satisfied beforehand, such as through a workflow variable input file. More information is provided in Automated steps.