Creating workflow definitions for z/OS

This information describes how to create workflow definitions that can be used with the Workflows task of z/OSMF. Included is an introduction to workflows concepts and a description of the basic elements of a workflow definition.

What is a z/OSMF workflow?

Generally, a workflow guides you through the complete set of steps that are needed to accomplish a goal, and, when dependencies exist, controls the sequence for performing those steps. In this way, a workflow can help to ensure that the steps are performed in the correct order, and prerequisites and dependences are identified clearly along the way. Conceptually, a workflow encompasses both the work to be performed and its performers. By identifying the individual steps to be performed, a workflow allows for the steps to be divided among different areas of an organization, and different members of a team. Using a workflow, a project owner can delegate specific items to the team members best suited to carrying out particular tasks.

In z/OSMF, a workflow is a guided set of steps that help you perform an activity on z/OS®, such as configuring a software product or component, managing a z/OS resource or structure, or simplifying some relatively complex operation. To support these activities, a workflow can be designed to perform a wide variety of operations, such as starting z/OS subsystems, submitting jobs and scripts, and invoking TSO/E functions in batch (assuming that the workflow user is properly authorized).

In short, a z/OSMF workflow:
  • Is based on a structured set of steps that are designed by a workflow author.
  • Is described to z/OSMF through a workflow definition. A z/OS organization can write its own workflow definitions or obtain definitions from a third-party source (a workflow provider). z/OSMF includes samples for the workflow authors to reference when they create workflow definitions.
  • Is created when a user imports a workflow definition into the z/OSMF Workflows task.
  • Identifies steps to be performed and allows for these steps to be divided among different areas of an organization, which helps to facilitate user activities on z/OS.
  • Contains one or more steps that guide the user through some action to be performed. Steps might consist of manual instructions for performing the steps, or might include some form of guided assistance, such as submitting a batch job, running a REXX script or a shell script, or creating files, based on user inputs.

In z/OSMF, the Workflows task allows a z/OS installation to create and manage workflows for performing activities on the z/OS system. The user who is responsible for the workflow and ensuring that it gets completed is the workflow owner. The workflow owner assigns workflow steps to users, making them assignees of the step. The user who accepts ownership of a step becomes the step owner.

In the Workflows task:
  • The Workflows page displays the existing workflows for an installation, and provides the control point for creating and managing workflows.
  • The Steps page displays the steps in a workflow, and provides the control point for managing the steps. From this page, you can select actions for the steps, such as assigning steps, changing ownership of steps, and performing steps.
The following topics provide more details on workflows, workflow steps, and the process of creating workflow definition files for use with the Workflows task of z/OSMF: