Identifying the contents of help plug-ins

Every plug-in requires a file called plugin.xml to identify the plug-in contents to the z/OSMF help system.

About this task

This file includes the following items:
  • The table of contents file that contributes to the navigation for the help plug-in.
  • The name, ID, and the version of the help plug-in.
  • The index file for building the Index view.


To create the plugin.xml file for your help plug-ins, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Extensible Markup Language (XML) file called plugin.xml.
  2. Make the following XML declaration the first two lines of the file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
    <?eclipse version="3.0"?>
  3. Add the root <plugin> element and specify the following attributes for the help plug-in:
    For the panel help plug-in, the name that will be displayed in the z/OSMF navigation area for your application followed by the word task.
    For the message help plug-in, the range of message IDs included in the plug-in.
    Name of the folder that contains the panel or message help contents.
    Version of the help plug-in.
    Name of your company.
    For example, the plug-in identification metadata for the Incident Log task can be as follows:
    <plugin name = "Incident Log task" 
            id = "" 
            version ="2.1" 
            provider-name = "IBM">
  4. Within the context of the <plugin> element, create an <extension> element with a point attribute value of Then, within the context of the <extension> element, create a <toc> element to declare the table of contents file.
    <extension point="">
       <toc file="toc.xml" primary="true" />
  5. If you indexed your content, within the context of the <plugin> element, create an <extension> element with a point attribute value of Then, within the context of the <extension> element, create an <index> element to declare the index file.
    <extension point="">
       <index file="index.xml" />
  6. Close the <plugin> element.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<?eclipse version="3.0"?>

<plugin name = "Incident Log task" 
        id = "" 
        version ="2.1" 
        vendor-name = "IBM">

  <extension point="">
    <toc file="toc.xml" primary="true" />
  <extension point="">
    <index file="index.xml" />
